Reflective writing is a tuning fork for the heart.
It is a portal to deep listening which is necessary to live a whole and healthy life, as healers and as humans.
Today’s special guest is Dr. Gail Wright, a pediatric cardiologist and ICU physician who is a disciple of Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen. She is also Jessie’s co-leader for the Honoring DIastole Retreats at Pie Ranch in Pescadero, California.
Reflective writing is a tool to help you put down the weight of aloneness, remember your wholeness and voice yourself into being.
Reflective writing is one of the few spaces where we as healers get to have our stories and our hearts be witnessed.
It is also an opportunity to bear witness to others.
Reflective writing is also a tool that invites a sense of possibility, especially when done at the edge of the continent- on a hilltop at Pie Ranch.
If you can write a list you can enjoy reflective writing. You might be surprised at the spaciousness and perspective that the practice of reflective writing inspires.
Join Gail and Jessie at Pie Ranch for a one-day Honoring Diastole Retreat. Join us on a sustainable coastal farm to nourish and heal individually and collectively. Join us to cultivate practices that allow you to open your heart.
One day retreats are especially transformative because they don’t separate you too far from your reality. The realization that you don’t have to travel too far and you don’t have to stay too long to feel significantly better, lighter and healthier is powerful.
Connect with Gail at
Join Saturday writing groups at
If you are in transition, coaching is also a super powerful modality to ease the bumps of the journey. Jessie’s Transition Well Small Group Coaching Program begins June 29th.
*Nothing in this episode should be considered medical advice.