
Video Testimonial from a Pediatrician in Santa Clara County.
“Gail and I first met 25 years ago as clinician leader colleagues at a remote hospital on the Navajo Nation. In the ensuing years, her commitment to inner work and her subsequent spiritual growth, along with her history of rigorous academic training and practice, results in a teacher and guide with a unique perspective. I am glad Gail has decided to share her gifts. She is a wonderful support to clinicians searching for their own deeper sense of being.”
Dr. Frank Anderson, MD, MPH

Father of 3, Miami, FL

Professor and Chair
Department of Humanities, Health, and Society
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Florida International University School of Medicine

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Over the course of the last year, Dr Gail Wright has led the pediatric cardiac intensive care team at Rady Children’s through a series of wellness sessions. Coming at the time of the pandemic, when resilience has seemed particularly elusive, and we have all had to dig deep down to find the reserves to continue to do what we do, this was so timely and necessary! Dr Wright took us through sessions that were as restorative as they were inspiring. We were reminded of the reasons we do what we do, of the faith and trust we place in our colleagues, and that the burdens we carry though vast, are shared and therefore lightened. She led us through meditative and mindfulness practices that, through the course of busy days, enabled us to refocus our energies. To see the different sides of our colleagues was awe inspiring; to be able to share their burden is an honor.

The feedback from these sessions has been uniformly positive, with all participants reporting a rejuvenated sense of purpose and of being able to continue to do the difficult work we do. I would recommend Dr Wright’s sessions to anyone in healthcare, particularly the ICU- having been one of us, she knows exactly what burdens we shoulder, and the feelings they generate. There is no one else like her! Thank you Dr Wright for allowing us to see ourselves and our colleagues so clearly, perhaps for the first time.
Shilpa Vellore Govardhan, MD Mother of 2, San Diego, CA
Pediatric Cardiac Intensivist, Rady Childrens’ Hospital, UCSD San Diego School of Medicine
“Gail knows how to listen to the gaps, to the silences, and to the unsaid. And then, with the wisdom that comes from hearing well and enormous empathy, she can pull a thread of positivity from there, offering thoughts that immediately connect and resonate. Finally, she offered to me exercises of mindfulness as resources— guided meditations that are accessible because they are humble in the offering, authentic in voice, and generous in gracefully sharing personal experiences. This was an accessible and reasonable way for me to engage with this process. Gail gave me a glimpse of a new perspective— that internal composure, self-compassion, a greater experience of resilience, and even some internal relief from stress might not have to be an undertaking of inordinate effort and training, but something I could take small, comfortable, daily steps toward.”
Mara Burnett, Mother of 4, Weston MA
"I have known Gail for many years as a colleague, friend and mentor. I have witnessed her counseling patients and families in their most desperate moments with kindness and compassion. She taught me what being of service really meant. It wasn't until I became seriously ill myself that I fully experienced her gifts. She was a rock to my family and I, always grounding us by helping us engage in the practices of gratitude and meditation. Gail helped me find peace at a time when all I could feel was fear and chaos. She encouraged me to focus on healing from the inside out and helped me realize strengths I never knew I had."
Dr. Ritu Asija, MD, Mother of 2, Menlo Park, CA
Pediatric Cardiac Intensivist, Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine
"Dr. Gail Wright worked with our psychiatry residents at our semi-annual resident retreat. This writing session came at a much-needed time. My fellow residents and I voiced to our program leadership a need to pause and reflect on the very challenging and rewarding work we do in healthcare."

"As psychiatrists-in-training we are accustomed to holding space for others, and we wanted to have such a space for ourselves. After many months of working together in a pandemic, my fellow residents and I were grateful for the time Gail spent with us, and for the time we spent writing with each other. Gail created a nurturing and safe space to express ourselves and tell each other our stories. We left the session with a deeper sense of connected-ness – to each other and to our work. I wish all medical trainees could have this experience, and I hope we can have Gail come back to work with our department in the future."
Dr. Pooja Sarkar, MD Springfield, MA
Resident in Psychiatry Baystate Medical Center
“It has been a pleasure and an honor knowing and working with Dr. Gail Wright. I have worked with her in the Fontan Outcome Network and partnered with her and others in my first journal publication. Through it all, she has advocated for improving single ventricle care and increased acknowledgement and utilization of advanced providers. She has also been a listener, encourager, and supporter to me as a patient provider navigating life, and now life with COVID19. I couldn't recommend a more uplifting and inspiring individual to supply a team with an arsenal of structure and positivity.”
Alicia Wilmoth, Mother of 3 Cincinnati, OH
Fontan Outcomes Network Lead, PA Pediatric Cardiology Physician Assistant

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Menlo Park, CA


P.O. Box 7713
Menlo Park, CA 94026

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