Upcoming Events

New dates March 24, 2024 and October 5, 2024

Dr. Gail Wright | Honoring Diastole Retreat

Click photo for more info and registration

Learn more about our Honoring Diastole one day retreats in this podcast.

Words of Gratitude

Dr. Amna Khan, MD
Mother of 3
Pediatrician, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

Video Testimonial from a Pediatrician in Santa Clara County.
“Gail and I first met 25 years ago as clinician leader colleagues at a remote hospital on the Navajo Nation. In the ensuing years, her commitment to inner work and her subsequent spiritual growth, along with her history of rigorous academic training and practice, results in a teacher and guide with a unique perspective. I am glad Gail has decided to share her gifts. She is a wonderful support to clinicians searching for their own deeper sense of being.”
Dr. Frank Anderson, MD, MPH

Father of 3

Professor and Chair
Department of Humanities, Health, and Society
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Florida International University School of Medicine

Invite Me as a Speaker

Past Events

Silent Nature Retreat
Honoring Diastole:
Summer & Fall 2023
Honoring Diastole:
Spring 2023
Honoring Diastole:
Winter Retreat
Honoring Diastole:
Fall Retreat
Honoring Diastole: Summer Retreat
Honoring Diastole:
Spring Retreat

Wellness Matters
Santa Clara Medical Association

Dr. Gail Wright: Opening grounding exercise and closing Wellness Bite

Wellness Matters
Santa Clara Medical Association

Dr. Gail Wright: Opening grounding exercise and closing Wellness Bite

Resilient MD Santa Clara Medical Association

Dr. Gail Wright: Opening grounding exercise and closing Wellness Bite “Sharing Wonder Instead of Worry”

Resilient MD Santa Clara Medical Association

Dr. Gail Wright: Opening grounding exercise and closing Wellness Bite “Sharing Our Grandmother’s Stories”

Additional Past Events

Resilient MD Santa Clara Medical Association

Dr. Gail Wright: Opening grounding exercise and closing Wellness Bite “Laughter is the Best Medicine”
Reflection Rounds | Dr. Gail Wright, M.D.

Reflection Rounds

Dr. Gail Wright, MD offers an opportunity to reflect on and explore how encounters in medicine affect us personally. We focus on our inner life experience, spirituality professional formation, wisdom, and well-being.
Resilient MD Event | Redwood Resilience

Resilient MD Santa Clara Medical Association

Dr. Gail Wright: Opening grounding exercise and closing Wellness Bite “Renew and Recharge”

Resilient MD Santa Clara Medical Association

Dr. Gail Wright: Opening grounding exercise and closing Wellness Bite “Gratitude Journal”

Resilient MD Series : Santa Clara County Medical Association

Dr. Gail Wright: Opening grounding exercise and closing Wellness Bite “Honoring Diastole”

Writing Medicine
In Person Workshop at Pie Ranch

Dr. Laurel Braitman, Dr. Gail Wright, Dr. Adjoa Boateng, and Mr. Nate Barton

Join us for a day of writing, eating, and reflecting at the warm and welcoming Pie Ranch in Pescadero, California.  The ranch is a gorgeous hourlong drive from Palo Alto, CA along the Pacific Coast.  Attendees will learn ways to improve their prose- fiction, poetry, and non-fiction- as well as how to communicate more authentically and powerfully on the page. 

“WholeHearted Living”: Canyon Ranch Weekend Retreat with Dr. Gail Wright

We will explore a matrix of daily activities, and our own habits, to promote wholehearted living. We will explore the health benefits of mindful living and why self-monitoring is key for physical and emotional well- being.  Learn how to boost resilience during times of transition, loss, and grief, and to find greater meaning and joy from setbacks.  Embrace mindfulness practices to pause, become present, and transition to a restorative state for healing and renewal.  Learn practices to heighten awareness of experiences of awe in our daily lives and bolster expressions of gratitude.  Experiential exercises illuminate how important both purpose and play are for joyful living.

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